Summer Body

Now that the weather is starting to warm up, the suns out longer and your starting to become conscious that soon will be time to dust off the bathers!

If your like me, running on a treadmill for 5 hours or eating cabbage soup is NOT going to lose those extra winter kilos. This mindset and routine wouldn’t work for a majority of people so don’t stress and is extremely unhealthy! You need to start with a balanced, clean diet (refer to recipes) and also include some high intensity calorie burning moves!IMG_5536[1]

Exercise does not need to be boring or tedious. By including some of my work outs into your mornings before breakfast will start to get your body feeling fit and summer ready.

If you have a kettle bell great, if not just use your body weight.

Start your workout with some general stretches, making sure your calves and thighs are ready to work it.

Commence with 3-4 sets of the below, increasing to 6-8 sets once you become custom to the moves.

20x walking lunges, use your kettle bell or hand weights for extra weight
12x jump squats (no weight required)
REST 30 seconds
20x walking lunges, same as above
12x jump squats
REST 30 seconds
60 seconds of bicycle kicks laying on your back
10x crunches
REST 20 seconds
60 seconds bicycle kicks
10x crunches


Remember keep hydrated and add lemon to your water for an extra cleansing effect.

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